CDRTool is a CDR mediation and rating engine for Call Details Records generated by OpenSIPS SIP Proxy/Registrar in combination with a Freeradius server.
CDRTool is a simple to use WEB application, which can be put in service with minimal training of the helpdesk and operations staff. It provides instant access to SIP usage information, traces from CDR level to protocol level, statistics grouped by criteria like release cause, destination or billing parties and can help pin-point SIP call flows failure reason.
CDRTool provides accurate accounting for call detail records generated by OpenSIPS when used in combination with MediaProxy regardless of the availability of BYE messages.
CDRTool provides an anti-fraud mechanism for OpenSIPS by blocking SIP subscribers that exceed a predefined monthly quota.

CDRTool rating functions are available from the network over a TCP socket and can be used for both postpaid and prepaid applications. Call Control prepaid application for OpenSIPS is available to provide session control for prepaid services.
- Real-time rating engine for postpaid and prepaid accounting
- Web and CSV file management for rating tables
- Multiple data-sources with consistent search and export capabilities
- Manage prepaid cards and accounts for Call Control
- Builds graphical usage statistics for SIP platform usage
- Supports Radius accounting type 15 (FAILED) for storage of missed calls
- CDR search with query criteria saved for later use
- Search results can be grouped by any field available in the CDR
- Links from CDR level down to SIP trace and Media trace level
- Login accounts can restrict access to CDRs per subscriber, domain or gateway
- Rating based on day of week, time of day, duration, destination and ENUM tree
- Display registered SIP accounts from OpenSIPS
- Displays SIP trace from sip_trace OpenSIPS module
- Displays Media trace from Mediaproxy media_sesions table